Friday, January 14, 2011

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat - Exercises That Make the Difference!

We thought that you needed only three things to get rid of belly fat -, exercises and drills! But who has tried this approach knows that this is more than that. You need to combine the right diet, the types of operation with a healthier, more muscle when people want the chance to see the abdominal.

Many of us think that they do endless sit-ups or crunches to get rid of belly fat - exercises that are extremely unlikelywork. If your objective is to have visible abs, you need to reduce your body fat level, but so-called spot reduction (i.e. removing fat from one part of you body by exercising that part) doesn't work.

Your genetic make up controls where your body stores its fat. There is nothing you can do to change it. And many of us have the particular body type that stores fat first around the waist. That's the first place to put weight on, and the last place for it to come off.

The good news is that you can do something to get rid of belly fat - reduce your overall body fat level. Only when you have less than 10% body fat for men or 14% for women will anyone get to see your abdominal muscles.

If you've ever been on a diet before (and who hasn't?) you may be thinking that it sounds rather difficult to get down to those levels of body fat. After all the average body fat for men is around 25%, and for women around 35%. So what can you do that will actually work?

First thing - forget dieting. It doesn't work long term, even if you do lose some weight to start with. And depending on which diet you choose, you may actually be making things worse. For example, if your diet causes your body to go into 'starvation mode', it will start burning up muscle instead of fat. This causes your metabolism to slow down, so you use up even less fat. This approach just doesn't work.

So, to get rid of belly fat, exercises are going to be the key. You will need to:

Do some exercises to increase your muscle mass. This boosts your metabolism, which helps you to burn more calories, even when you are not exercising. And developing a bit of muscle tone makes you look and feel better.
Do some cardiovascular exercise. For long term health this is essential, and it helps to further increase the number of calories you burn, getting rid of that stubborn belly fat.
Control your diet. I don't mean going on a conventional diet, as we all know they does not work. But be sure to eat enough of the right things, cut the bad things and have a good balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Get one of these wrong and you can increase the chances of achieving the sexy toned body, trying to ruin you.
Get motivated them. Really this should first of all, as you will not be ready for the sacrifices necessary to be good for the transformation of the body without justification. Fortunately, you can manipulate your thoughtsprocesses to make it much easier to get (and stay) motivated. Simple things like deciding what your ultimate goal is before you start. Thinking about that goal, and how good it will feel when you've achieved it, when you need a bit more will power. Or even just thinking about the harm that you will do to your goals if you eat that extra biscuit or stay indoors asleep when you should be jogging.

Transforming your body is not something you can do by dieting. By definition, a diet lasts for a certain period of time, then what? You change back to your old habits, and guess what happens to your waistline.

If you want to get rid of stomach fat, you will need to change the way that you act forever. Fortunately, it's not as difficult as you might think, and once you've got into the habit it is easy to keep up with your new lifestyle every day.

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