Not only does stevia rebaudiana contain no calories whatsoever, it also has beneficial effects when it comes to fat absorption and blood pressure. Additionally it has carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
There are no stevia side effects of any kind, nor have mutagen or any other effects proven to be harmful. 1 cup of sugar equals 1 1/2 spoonfuls to 2 spoonfuls of the fresh stevia plant herb or 1/4 tea spoonful of the refined powder.
Numerous tests have stated its antibiotic properties, especially against E.Coli bacteria, staphylococci aureus, and Corynebacterium diphtheria as well as Candida Albicans, which usually produces vaginitis.
The plant's sweet flavour can be accounted on a glucoside called stevioside, composed of glucose and rebaudioside.
Stevia in the raw is 15 times sweeter than sugar and stevia extract is 100 to 300 times sweeter than sugar.
It doesn't affect sugar in blood levels, on the contrary, several tests have shown its hypoglycaemic qualities and it does improve its glucose tolerance-which is why is has been suggested to diabetic patients.
Stevia is also relevant to weight loss, not only because it will help you decrease your calorie intake but also because it does cut down sweet cravings.
Stevia has also been associated with blood pressure control properties as it has a diuretic, cardiotonic effect, thus regulating heartbeat and pressure.
It can be dissolved in water and then used in drops or teaspoonfuls.
It can actually be used in any recipes, cereals, baked food, cookies and biscuits. beverages or any other food preparation.
Stevia can be found in healthy-food stores in the shape of powder or in its natural form.
Click here for the top rated Acai Berry product from a reputable vendor. The health benefits of stevia are great!
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