Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Make Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Have you ever tried giving your dog peanut butter? If you haven't, you may be surprised just how much your dog might like it! You can buy peanut butter dog treats, but it is a lot more fun, rewarding and cheap to make them yourself! Don't worry, gourmet cooking skills are not required for this recipe.


Peanut Butter

Whole wheat flour

All purpose flour

Baking powder


First you should preheat the oven to about 180C

Now mix the milk and the peanut butter. Keep going until the mixture has no lumps left in it.

Now mix the two types of flour and baking powder into the mix, without making it too dry.

Now the fun but messy bit. Knead the mixture, making sure it isn't too dry. If it is, add some more milk or even a small amount of water.

Once you've rolled the mix, cut it into whatever shape you want and bake for 15 minutes.

Let the treats cool and then give your dog a surprise!

The great thing about these treats is that they can be stored easily and for a relatively long amount of time. Your dog will love you forever after making these treats! Once you have made your first batch you can experiment with amounts to make sure the mixture isn't too dry or watery, although most dogs aren't that fussy when it comes to things they like.

Once you've made the treats, how can you use them to your advantage? Well dog training is a completely different subject, but peanut butter dog treats make great rewards. Once your dog follows a command, or even if it does something you like without being ordered, giving it a treat is a brilliant way to encourage that behaviour.

I hope your dog enjoys the treats!

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