MEAT - (beef, chicken, lamb and fish do not feed), one type of meat to your dog. To give several days alternating meat.
Meat is not enough for all animals in the wild, dogs eat the skin, bones and stomach and contents. Meat contains no calcium and low in vitamins and minerals. The minerals in the bones.
Vitamins are the organs and stomach contents (vegetable).
Cook the meat with rice / pasta and vegetablesimproves the taste and kills the worms, if the intestine has not been checked.
Cooking the meat destroys the nutritional value, although it has twice as much food.
Feed good fresh raw meat. It 'ok, provided it is palatable for the dog (for example, some dogs have stomach upset, where the raw meat).
Feed all kinds of meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, fish (sardines, tuna) and rabbits.
It is best to vary the meat, since they differ in fat content and the nature ofessential fatty acids.
commercial canning are comfortable, but expensive and can take up to 70% water.
Even canned food for dogs is well balanced with vitamins and minerals may be, but some dogs with bloating and diarrhea. Offal should only be added to the meat in small quantities.
Vary the type of courage and never give your dog too often because it is rich in vitamins, which must no longer be fed. such as the liver is rich in Vitamin-A.
Offal is goodappetite stimulant for cats and dogs recovering perfectionist, as is very strong in taste, their meal.
Cereals - (dog or dog biscuits, oatmeal cookies to humans).
They provide a crunchy texture to the dog food that your dog enjoys.
It also adds a new twist to eat. Biscuits are a balanced food concentrate, the meal period may, if nothing else is available or, if necessary, physical stress. But you forgetconcentrated, so it is very fattening dogs under-active. If stored airtight stay fresh, is easily accessible and inexpensive food is a fairly large dog breeds.
Make sure you buy dry food, is a famous name and has been studied. Some brands are just full of waste mass. Added to your dogs diet of meat, vegetables, rice and the first bone. "Biscuits" are balanced a tasty treat for your dog.
When 4-5 months old puppylose their puppies get adult teeth and teeth, gums, you can munch on dog biscuits to race.
It helps if you enjoy some of baby soft dough, while teething.
Egg Increase the skin and is a good source of protein, biotin, vitamin D and B12, iron, chlorine and sulfur.
The eggs can be fed whole and raw.
The eggs can be fed to remove the white. ie only egg yolks!
One or two eggsmixed with food once a week is good for your dog's coat and a very good protein source and vitamins.
(Egg white raw contain an enzyme that destroys biotin in egg yolk, egg cooking destroys the enzyme!)
Biotin for strong healthy bones and cartilage necessary.
Eggs contain an excess of biotin in egg yolk. This is to compensate for the loss of biotin-enzyme then white.
These are needed when the power of meatonly.
Or dogs who need high energy and can not always have all the IT needs of the most important nutrition.
This means that farm dogs, breeding / nursing females and puppies especially large breeds.
Most dry foods contain a balanced meal with all the necessary vitamins and minerals but have a higher calorific value in the box. Dry food should be avoided or severely limited for obese dogs.
Vitamins, food in the form of drops or powder can be added.
They areAvailable from veterinarians, pet stores and the feeder.
If you feed the dog, a diet with meat, vegetables, rice, biscuits and raw bones for dogs and then an average will be the extra vitamins.
Add vegetables, Vitamin A and most B vitamins
Improve skin and eggs are a good source of protein, vitamin D and B12, iron, chlorine and sulfur.
water-soluble vitamins are easily pass through the dog when not needed.
These are: (Bvitamins, vitamin C (ascorbic Ester C not C).
fat-soluble vitamins can cause diseases if it is given too much. They are: (A, D, E and K).
Minerals can also harm than good, if not given a balanced whole. If you regularly feed the bones do not need a mineral supplement for your dog.
green vegetables such as peas, spinach, broccoli, beans, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower. Leave one or more additional persons (s) in yourThe table and add the flour.
These add vitamin A and most B vitamins
You can use all the vegetables except onions! Onions cause anemia. green vegetables such as peas, beans, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower and potatoes EVERYTHING!
But beware of the amount of vegetables rich in carbohydrates, like potatoes, because your pet may have excessive weight gain, if they can burn.
Too much cabbage agoFlatulence.
The easiest way to arrange the vegetables for your dog when you prepare your own food some people more to your desktop for each dog you own. Adjust the amount depending on the size of the dog.
Then he mixes in his dinner. Vegetables may be raw, if they are mixed to be given in small pieces. (Pulped, minced or mashed).
Vegetable cooking softens them and makes them tasty, but about cooking destroys the vitamin inthem.
The vegetables are cheap and filling meal for dogs large and overweight.
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